10 Reasons to learn french

10 Reasons to learn french

1. Learning just one language is not enough

In today’s world, speaking just one foreign language is not enough. A pupil who speaks several languages will increase his chances on the job market in his own country and internationally. Learning another language means acquiring additional wealth and opening up new horizons, both personal and professional.

2. French is, along with English, the only language spoken on the 5 continents

More than 200 million people speak French on 5 continents. French is a great language of international communication. It is the most widely learned foreign language after English and the ninth most spoken language in the world. French is also the second most widely taught foreign language in the world after English, and on all continents. La Francophonie brings together 68 states and governments. Finally, France has the largest network of cultural establishments abroad where French courses are given to more than 750,000 people.

3. An advantage for studying in France

Speaking French makes it possible to pursue studies in France at reputable universities (La Sorbonne, Pierre et Marie Curie University, etc.) or in grandes écoles (HEC, Polytechnique, ESSEC), often at very favorable financial conditions. Students who are fluent in French can also, under certain conditions, benefit from French government grants to pursue a third cycle of studies in France in all disciplines and obtain an internationally recognized diploma.

4. The language of international relations

French is both a working language and one of the two official languages at the UN, UNESCO, NATO, the European Union, the International Olympic Committee and the International Red Cross. French is the language of several international legal bodies. Fluency in French is essential for anyone considering a career in international organizations.

5. A language for thinking and debating

French is an analytical language which structures thought and develops critical thinking. It is the language of the great philosophers (Descartes, Sartre or Derrida) and renowned scientists (Pierre and Marie Curie, Pasteur, Georges Charpak…). By learning French, children also learn to argue and present different points of view, which is very useful in discussions or negotiations.

6. A language for learning other languages

Learning French helps to learn other languages, particularly Latin languages (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or Romanian) but also English since French has provided more than 50% of the current English vocabulary.

7. A creative language

French is often spoken on a theater stage. The teachers put on shows in French and involve their students in Francophone theater festivals. Learning French helps children to express themselves and gain self-confidence in front of others. Students also learn French in song thanks to an inexhaustible repertoire of singers from yesterday and today.

8. Multiple possibilities for exchanges

Students can come into contact with Francophones of their age. There are many possibilities for exchanges, whether by mail or the Internet. The forms of stay in France are varied and allow for enriching experiences. Thousands of twinnings exist between French establishments and schools around the world and make it possible to forge links with the first educational network in the world.

9. Promote linguistic diversity

Speaking French makes an important contribution to protecting linguistic diversity in the world and to avoiding the exclusive generalization of a single language in a globalized world.

10. An opening into the world

After English and German, French is the third language on the Internet, ahead of Spanish. Understanding French allows you to take a different look at the world by communicating with French speakers on all continents and by obtaining information from the major international media in French (TV5, France 24, Radio France Internationale).

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